At the request of his friend Marcel Duchamp, Salvador Dali created this chess set in 1964 for the American Chess Federation. All of the pieces of the set were modeled after Dali’s fingers except the two Queens which used one of Dali’s wife’s fingers crowned with a tooth and the rooks which were modeled after the salt cellars of the Hotel Saint Regis in New York. Of the thirty two pieces, sixteen are sterling silver and sixteen are silver gilt. The set is currently at the AGO. Go and dig it!
Also if you are into digging things dig this. and if you don’t dig this you probably don’t dig digging stuff because i dig this and think it is the most diggable thing i may have ever seen…
David Altmejd The Index (2007)
Steel, foam, wood, glass, mirror, Plexiglas, lighting system, silicone, resin, taxidermy birds and animals, synthetic plants, synthetic tree branches, bronze, fiberglass, paint, burlap, leather, pinecones, horse hair, synthetic hair, chains, wire, feathers, quartz, pyrite, other minerals, glass eyes, clothing, shoes, jewelry, beads, monofilament, glitter
h: 131 x w: 510.5 x d: 363.2 in / h: 332.7 x w: 1296.7 x d: 922.5 cm
Photo’s could not capture this piece. If you are in Toronto go see this
A sexual position in which a woman is secured to a ceiling fan and commences to suck on the schlong of a specific, lucky gentleman. The fan can be set on low, medium, or high depending on the desired intensity and skill level of the woman.
ME: bitch lets go jurrasic park style and terradactyl.
Bitch: Ok playa strap me up
Source: UrbanDictionary.com
We at Salem Blog do not endorse calling women bitches. Unless of course they like to be called bitches or they are being a bitch at the time. Bitches are actually female dogs not female humans.
Also for legal reasons we do not endorse the Terradactyl. If you are planning to attempt this style please please please make sure your fan is very secured to the ceiling. Also we would recommend padding the floor just in case. Just throw some pillows on the ground…it only takes a second.
We also think the word “schlong” is lame.
“If you have drugs, keep them on you, because you are probably going to end up somewhere you want to do them, and if you don't have them, your fucked.”
-Oprah Winfrey
i just DISCOVERED how fun CAPITAL letters can BE. i used to HATE them…
if you type “nico vega beast lyrics” into google every site somehow misses the last 2 minutes of the song……………curious………………
i also find it……………curious………that nico vega is not……bigger.
Orion was an handsome and skillful hunter. Once, he went to the island Chios where he fell in love with Merope, the daughter of the king Oenopion. Oenopion promised Orion his daughter if he could rid the island of the fierce beasts that infested it.
However, after Orion had successfully completed this perilous task, the king refused to give up his daughter. Orion was so angry that he got drunk and raped Merope. But, Oenopion avenged his daughter. He waited until Orion fell asleep and put out Orion's eyes. Orion's fury grew out of control. He learned from an oracle that he could regain his sight if he went in the farthest point in the east where the sun rises from the ocean. With the help of a young guide, Orion followed the instructions and arrived in Delos.
There, the goddess Eos fell in love with him and convinced her brother, the sun god Helius, to restore Orion's sight. Orion tried to find Oenopion to avenge himself. While pursuing Oenopion, Orion reached the island of Crete where he met the goddess Artemis. Artemis was an excellent huntress. She convinced Orion to go hunting with her and abandon his quest for vengeance.
Artemis'brother, Apollo knew of Orion relationship with Eos. In addition, he was not pleased with Orion's vow to kill all the earth's wild animals. So, Apollo persuaded the Earth goddess Gaia to set an enormous scorpion on Orion. Orion soon realized that his strength and sword were no match for the mighty scorpion. He dove into a lake and swam towards Delos, where Eos could help him.
While he was swimming out (too far to be recognized) Apollo called Artemis, and pointing to Orion's head, challenged her ability to hit any object that far out to sea. Artemis took aim and succeeded. She soon realized that she had killed her lover. In a state of intense grieving, Artemis placed Orion's figure among the stars.
Things we like about snow are…
white, cold, frost bite, fires, hot chocolate, hot tea, hot apple cider, hot coffee, red noses, snowflakes, pretty, cocaine, tobogganing, scarves, scurvy, lights, horses, looks nice on trees, sex, maple candy, fun, jester hats, boots, alcohol, snowballs, snowmen, snow angels, snow monsters, avalanche’s, yellow snow, writing your name in the snow, footprints, frozen ponds, frozen lakes, frozen canals, easier to cover bodies, and igloo’s